Our new Ordinary Friend

Clio in a blur

If you had talked to me lately, it would have gone like this. Me: “Puppy. Puppy puppy puppy. Puppy, puppy puppy. Puppy! Puppy puppy, puppy. Puppy? Puppy puppy puppy…” Dot dot dot. It all started when I saw a small picture of a puppy on a dog-rescue site. I shouldn’t have been looking. We’re not ready, emotionally or financially for another dog. Holy smoke did I get fixated on this puppy! Two weeks later, she’s romping around our house like she owns it. Apparently 20+ people went to meet her, but nobody was quite right, because she was meant for my family, she was waiting for us.

Here’s Rufus Thomas with Walking the Dog.

I have a million recipes to share, and I’ll be back when I’m done with this small and delightful emotional crisis of welcoming a new puppy to the family.

4 thoughts on “Our new Ordinary Friend

  1. I have been wondering if you were going to do this. I am so excited for Clio; she is lucky to have such a loving home as yours, and I’m sure your boys are just beside themselves with excitement! Congratulations to you all, and best of luck with the house training.

    By the by, I LOVED the Ordinary Manifesto, particularly the part about raising children/careers.

    Best regards,

    Joana Dodds

  2. How wonderful, steenbeck – I’m so happy for you and look forward to reading a whole lot more about Clio and seeing some unblurry photos!


  3. Very excited that you have a new puppy, I too look forward to hearing about her adventures as well as your wonderful recipes!

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