Salted rum crispy cookies

Salted rum cookies

My friends Treefrogdemon and Spotted Richard (yes, those are their real names!) made a lovely dessert containing mango and coconut. They thought it would go nicely with a thin, crispy biscuit. (They’re in England, so I’m going to say biscuit instead of cookie). They asked me to create such a biscuit. I was thrilled! I love a challenge.

I wanted something simple, because too much flavor would detract from the main dessert event. So no spices, no chocolate. I thought about rum, because it goes nicely with coconut, and it’s a sweet, subtle flavor. And then I thought about salt. Perhaps because Treefrogdemon drinks margaritas on Friday evenings! (But does she salt the rims? I don’t know!). So this is what I came up with. They’re crispy on the outside, but they’re chewy on the inside. Good – but not exactly what I had in mind. I’ll just have to keep trying until I come up with something crispy all the way through. In the meantime, these were a very big hit in my house. Malcolm liked everything but the salt, which he said was too strong of a flavor. And Isaac liked the salt the best.

I made a sort of promise to myself never to post a recipe without a picture and a song. I’m going to make a temporary exception for this one, because I’d like Treefrogdemon and Spotted Richard to pick one song each, that they think goes with this post. And then I’ll add the songs!! Guest DJ!

Treefrogdemon’s wonderful choice is Sally MacLennane, by the Pogues. Love it!

And Spotted Richard chose Sara, by Bob Dylan. I love this one, too. It makes me weepy. Memory and regret!

1 stick salted butter (1/2 cup)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar (I think if you used exclusively white sugar, these would be crispier!)
1 t vanilla
1 T rum
1 egg
1 cup flour
pinch salt
1/2 t. baking soda

Preheat the oven to 375.

Cream the butter and sugars together. Add the vanilla, rum and egg and beat in well. Add the dry ingredients and mix well.

Drop by 1/2 teaspoonfuls onto a lightly buttered baking sheet.

Cook for around 8 minutes, till they’re flat and a little bubbly and starting to brown on the edges.

While they’re warm, sprinkle each with a pinch of coarse salt.

Let them cool completely on a cooling rack.

11 thoughts on “Salted rum crispy cookies

  1. Right! Well, being as it’s St Patrick’s Day, and being as the album it’s on is called Rum, Sodomy and the lash (though I think we may dispense with the latter two), I will choose Sally MacLennane by the Pogues. Of course the song isn’t about her really, but I always think of Sally as being sweet and salty. Can’t try the biccies out just now since I haven’t any rum, but I’ll get some soon as poss and tell you how I get on.

    Salt the rims? You better believe it.


    • Yes, Sara is a good song choice for RR this week, such a shame that in the good old UK you can’t link a song to it, not even on Spotify!


  2. Good choice! I’m at work so I’ll have to add it later. I think they’d be good with other liquor / liqueur, if you don’t feel like buying rum. ( or nothing at all!)

  3. Hello! I’ve been reading back through your blog after following some links on the Guardian site – your food looks lovely, and I really like the creative and delicious approach to vegetarian food. I’ll be reading regularly in future – many thanks for all the posts!

  4. They look totally yummy – I had been envisioning something with almonds, but these look so much better. So happy to have a customized cookie! I do lurk here often, stomach growling.. but I am not much use in the baking department, tbh. However, as you have gone to the trouble, I will have a bash – as soon as I have braced myself to go to the store.

    Like TFD (and unlike Milton from Office Space) I like my Margarita’s with salt.

    I was praying that the song choice was not to be (irrationally) Harry Nilsson’s The Lime And The Coconut (which will now be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours because I’ve mentioned it). I wholeheartedly dond Sally MacLellane as TFD’s song choice. I am going to try to be a clever clogs and pick Bob Dylan’s Sara as a complementary song. It mentions rum, frog and, like Sally is another derivative of the name Sarah.

    Great job. 🙂

    • I was thinking of almonds, but (strangely) I didn’t have any. I always have almonds! I’m going to try again, and make them even crispier. So we’ll go with almonds this time.

      Sara is a wonderful choice. It always makes me so sad (Writing sad-eyed lady of the lowlands for you…sob!)

  5. Pingback: crispy lacy almond cookies | Out of the Ordinary

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